Rooted in social justice,
committed to systemic change.

The Wells Collective (TWC) is a team of passionate equity practitioners that specializes in helping organizations, schools, and businesses become stronger stewards of anti-racism, equitable leadership, and social liberation in their communities. They do so by focusing on deep personal reflection and a belief in the necessity of truth-telling.
With a collective 50+ years of professional experience, TWC is driven by their mission of empowering Black women and protecting their wellbeing in both professional and personal landscapes. The Wells Collective believes that Black women have been stewards of equity and justice work for centuries, and offer an invaluable perspective given the intersections of their identity (race and gender).
With their combined prowess, sharp intellect and magnetic personalities, The Wells Collective offers award-winning professional development, consulting, equity audit and coaching services that provide actionable solutions to improve equity, inclusion and justice in modern day workplaces.
And they do it all with joy, love, and a bit of fun at the center.
Welcome to the Well.

“For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.”
How We Are Changing The World
With both in-person and virtual capabilities, The Wells Collective is your go-to team for authentic DEIJ facilitation, transformative trainings, and developmental workshops that create effective and long-lasting change. Learn more about our service offerings by clicking on any of the badges below.


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Now more than ever, the world is questioning centuries old practices and seeking to change the way we live and operate in modern times. Are you ready to be a part of the charge? Join our mailing list to stay up to date on The Wells Collective and to gain industry insights. You will also get access to additional resources and upcoming event notifications! We promise not to spam you.